Table of Contents

Namespace Cuemon.Extensions.AspNetCore.Xml.Formatters

Assembly: Cuemon.Extensions.AspNetCore.Xml.dll

The Cuemon.Extensions.AspNetCore.Xml.Formatters namespace contains both types and extension methods that complements the Cuemon.Extensions.Xml namespace while being an addition to the Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc namespace. Provides XML formatters for ASP.NET Core that offers same flexibility as the one provided by the JSON equivalent from Newtonsoft.

Availability: .NET 8, .NET 7 and .NET 6

Complements: Cuemon.Extensions.Xml namespace 📘

Extension Methods

Type Ext Methods
IServiceCollection ⬇️ AddXmlFormatterOptions, AddXmlExceptionResponseFormatter



Extension methods for the Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.IServiceCollection interface.