Table of Contents

Namespace Cuemon.Extensions.Asp.Versioning

Assembly: Cuemon.Extensions.Asp.Versioning.dll

The Cuemon.Extensions.Asp.Versioning namespace contains types and extension methods that complements the Asp.Versioning namespace by adding new ways of working with versioning for Open API 3+.

Availability: .NET 8, .NET 7 and .NET 6

Complements: Asp.Versioning together with Open API/Swagger for RESTful APIs. 🔗

Extension Methods

Type Ext Methods
IApplicationBuilder ⬇️ UseRestfulApiVersioning
IServiceCollection ⬇️ AddRestfulApiVersioning



Extension methods for the Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder.IApplicationBuilder interface.


Provides programmatic configuration for the AddRestfulApiVersioning(IServiceCollection, Action<RestfulApiVersioningOptions>) method.


Represents a RESTful API version reader that reads the value from a filtered list of Microsoft.Net.Http.Headers.HeaderNames.Accept headers in the request.


Extension methods for the Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.IServiceCollection interface.