Table of Contents

Namespace Cuemon.Extensions.Net

Assembly: Cuemon.Extensions.Net.dll

The Cuemon.Extensions.Net namespace contains both types and extension methods that complements the Cuemon.Net namespace while being an addition to the System.Net namespace. Includes support for both traditional and factory based ways of working with HttpMangager instances while also including a simple and lightweight implementation of the IHttpClientFactory interface named SlimHttpClientFactory (that provides "managed" HttpClient instances).

Availability: .NET 8, .NET 7, .NET 6 and .NET Standard 2.0

Complements: Cuemon.Net namespace 📘

Extension Methods

Type Ext Methods
byte[] ⬇️ UrlEncode
IDictionary{string, string[]} ⬇️ ToQueryString
HttpStatusCode ⬇️ IsInformationStatusCode, IsSuccessStatusCode, IsRedirectionStatusCode, IsClientErrorStatusCode, IsServerErrorStatusCode
NameValueCollection ⬇️ ToQueryString
String ⬇️ UrlDecode, UrlEncode



Extension methods for the byte[].


Extension methods for the System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary<TKey, TValue> interface.


Extension methods for the System.Net.HttpStatusCode enum.


Extension methods for the System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection class.


Extension methods for the System.String class.